Over the last few years creativity in all its forms has been unleashed thanks in no small part to technology, this website is a celebration of that fact. Expect me to waffle on about pretty much anything that might, however tenuously, be linked to art and design.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Final Cut Express

I’ve started using Apple’s Final Cut Express in the last couple of weeks. What forced the move from iMovie 4 was my rather large Paris holiday video. It was coming in at over an hour, and to be quite honest iMovie was bending under the stress of all those transitions and audio tracks. The other reason for the jump was because of all the colour correction controls that FCE has (I have a Canon Camcorder you see, low light = yuk!). Anyway FCE is a very slick piece of software more than capable of handling my little Paris video. But will it handle the 12 hour epic that is . . . The Brazil Video!!!? Somente o tempo dirá?


Blogger James said...

I've gone back to iMovie for a while, just needed to get this one movie finished. I will return to FC though, for all the reasons I've already mentioned.

5:27 pm


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