Power and Precision
Its easy to take to power of Mac OSX for granted, but then something happens to remind you just how far Apple haved pushed the OS in just four years. In OSX (much like in Windows) when you press 'Apple' + 'Tab' an app switcher appears in the middle of the screen. Today I activated the switcher only to find that all the icons were tiny, the reason? I had loads and loads of apps open and running, not just little apps, but huge ones such as Photoshop CS and InDesign CS. Now I only have a humble PowerBook G4 1.25ghz and just 700mb of RAM, not a superfast machine by todays 2XG5 standards--which goes to make my point even more effectively.
It will be interesting to how Longhorn runs on a 4 year old Dell laptop in 2006. Longhorn will be the first Window OS with a 4 generation (vector based) GUI, it's taken Apple four years to get the OSX GUI up to speed (now even running nicely on a 32mb card), I somehow doubt if Microsoft will get it right on its first effort. Don’t get me wrong I'm sure it will really fly on a circa 2006 graphics GPU, but a four year old GPU? No. Hang on a moment, I've just had a thought. Is the GUI one of the things Microsoft have had to downgrade in order to hit the delivery date? ;) Perhaps Longhorn not even going to get a vector base GUI anyway.
Back to my main point, its taken Apple fours years, but what a result. Mac OSX = Power and precision! Best OS Ever™
Yep! Thats right, a GUI powered by same car that was in the Pink Pather cartoon opening credits!
6:26 pm
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