Donkey Kong!
Ah, Donkey Kong, what a classic! It really was the start of so much.
Many would argue that Pong or even Space Invaders was the beginning of Video Gaming but my vote goes with the Donkey! It's weird to think that is the 80's and early 90's the Arcade was the place to witness the very finest in video gaming advancement, these days the opposite is true, arcades are filled with gambling machines. I can remember using my half hour launch break to ride to the SEGA Centre just to play SEGA Rally 2, I would have just about enough time to have 1 or 2 goes.
To me the thrill wasn't so much about the game itself but rather the promise of games to come. Looking back that was both right and wrong. Games do now look amazing, but the advancement in the games themselves doesn't seem to be too great. The last truly gob-smacking game I played was probably Metroid Prime on the Gamecube. The most truly gob-smacking game is still Legend of Zelda - The Ocarina of Time. It's this one game that still gives hope regarding the whole games industry. Incidentally I tried playing Ocarina of Time on the Gamecube and also via Mac emulation but it's not the same, it really needs the N64 controller to shine.
It's no surprise really that graphics have been the part of gaming that has really advanced over the years. The hardware to run the graphics has advanced even faster than the cpu power. Do you remember about 10 years ago we were chatting about how games would advance? It was on the way back to your place after having played Virtua Racing. I clearly recall saying that I thought the graphics would reach real levels pretty soon but that the realism would take longer. I think that's where we've been for the last year or two. The graphics are pretty much real in fact often they are too graphic to be fun. The real issue to me and one reason why I've gone off of games is that the involvement, the interaction hasn't increased with the improved graphics and sound. I'm not saying it hasn't improved because it has but not so much as other areas.
7:44 am
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