Over the last few years creativity in all its forms has been unleashed thanks in no small part to technology, this website is a celebration of that fact. Expect me to waffle on about pretty much anything that might, however tenuously, be linked to art and design.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ralph McQuarrie

33% George, 33% John Williams and 33% Ralph McQuarrie. In my mind this is how I divvy up the original trilogy. Though John Williams does get a fair amount of recognition for his part, Ralph McQuarrie on the other hand only ever seems to get a passing mention. A shame really--what would that original Star Wars universe have looked like without his awesome imagination? To answer my own question--it would look similar to the new trilogy, i.e. pretty average! With the exception of Darth Maul there are no character designs to equal the two above.


Blogger Aline said...

Explains why the Clone troops don't look as cool as Boba Fett!

3:52 pm

Blogger Aline said...

The Bonus DVD really sheds light on this point!

The Featurette "Making the Characters"

Watch It!

3:57 pm


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