Over the last few years creativity in all its forms has been unleashed thanks in no small part to technology, this website is a celebration of that fact. Expect me to waffle on about pretty much anything that might, however tenuously, be linked to art and design.

Friday, September 10, 2004


The man will be back in black come May next year. Was there ever a more iconic character than Anakin Skywalker as The Dark Lord of The Sith. The scene above is just awesome. Vader, the huge central shaft, Lukes grimace, James Earl Jones' fantastic delivery of "with our combined strength we can put an end to this conflict". FANTASTIC!!!


Blogger Aline said...

VADER: "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father (little Ani)."

LUKE: "He told me enough. He told me you killed him"

VADER: "I am your FATHER"

LUKE: (sobbing) "That's not true. . . that's impossible..." (whine) *WOW I just realised how much he's like Anakin!! whinging and whining!*

VADER: "Search your feelings you know this to be true!"

***And there you have it! Empire Strikes Back becomes the GREATEST Star Wars movie of all time with one scene!***


Obi-Wan: "Qui-gon never told you what happened to your father"

Anakin: "He told me enough... He said I was conceived by metaclorians."

Obi-Wan: "That Metaclorian business was a smokescreen. Qui-gon was your father"

Anakin: "That's not true that's impossible" (whing)

***Anakin jumps in the lava... & EPIII is ruined!!***

1:37 pm


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