Over the last few years creativity in all its forms has been unleashed thanks in no small part to technology, this website is a celebration of that fact. Expect me to waffle on about pretty much anything that might, however tenuously, be linked to art and design.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

When Artists (get) Attack(ed)!

This article on Box Office Mojo is quite though provoking.
Click Here
George wants to complete his story, he wants the 6 films to look, sound and feel as if they belong to each other, if this means changing the old trilogy slightly then so be it. Only George knows the full story. I think it's only fair to wait until all 6 films can be viewed back to back and in context before making judgement. Just for the record, I DID hear Greedo shoot first back in 1978! ;)


Blogger Aline said...

"This is a councellors ship, we're on a diplomatic mission."

"If this is a councilors ship then WHERE is the ambassador!"

"Tear this ship apart until you find those plans and bring me the passengers I want them alive."


1:03 pm


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