Over the last few years creativity in all its forms has been unleashed thanks in no small part to technology, this website is a celebration of that fact. Expect me to waffle on about pretty much anything that might, however tenuously, be linked to art and design.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Multitasking kills creativity!

What happens when you have too many things to do at any one time? Creativity dies! Its almost as if 'to create' is the most difficult function for the brain and hence it needs to focus its full power on that one act. Kind of makes sense really . . .

Monday, October 04, 2004

Steve Balmer of Microsoft says . . .

"We’ve had DRM in Windows for years. The most common format of music on an iPod is 'stolen'." News Alert for Steve Balmer: The most common format of music on Microsoft Windows PCs is stolen!
Now even Microsoft of running scared from the mighty iPod.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Too good to be true?

I know that there are other apps out there that do this kind of thing, but this looks quite special. You can even make calls from a computer to a landline or mobile! Freaky!