The binary sunset scene from A New Hope. What an incredible fusion of story, acting, music and lighting. If George Lucas truly intended this to be the most moving, most powerful scene from the original trilogy then I take my hat off to him. If on the other hand it was supposed to be merely a transitional piece, then I give all credit to John Williams. Perhaps Williams understood the importance of this moment more than Lucas--it wouldn't surprise me in the least. John Williams is an interpretor. He interprets the emotion of the scene into a language we understand even if we don't know how. Music. The last track on the Revenge of The Sith soundtrack entitled, 'A New Hope and End Credits', is possibly his finest work to date. I am deeply moved every time I listen to all 13 minutes and 6 seconds of it. In truth it's a collection of some of his finest Star Wars themes, but it is by no means just a compilation. As you approach the final 4 minutes it becomes clear that Williams (and the Orchestra) realise that this really IS the greatest film score of all time, the result is a kind of triumphant joy that I can honestly say I have never heard before in a piece of music of this type. One thing's for sure, I will be sitting through the entire end credits on the 19th of May! 'Anakin vs. Obi-Wan' and 'Anakin's Dark Deeds' are both incredibly powerful pieces unlike anything heard in any other Star Wars movie, which makes me think that perhaps this won't be like any other Star Wars movie.